
Off-Grid Homesteading



The Best Ways To Store Rainwater?

The Best Ways To Store Rainwater?

You’ve heard me say that water is only as clean as the container you store it in, so it only makes sense that I do a post about the best ways to store rainwater, right?  The point of appropriately storing rainwater is all about health and sanitation: rainwater...

Raising Rabbits In Hawaii: What You Need To Know

Raising Rabbits In Hawaii: What You Need To Know

Raising rabbits in Hawaii can be a relatively easy and fun hobby.  I have a few friends that raise rabbits and it seems like a great way to provide a healthy source of protein as well as rich manure for the garden. But before going out to get rabbits of your own,...

You’ll Never Guess The Cheapest Way To Purify Water

You’ll Never Guess The Cheapest Way To Purify Water

I’m all for harvesting rainwater - itʻs how I get my water on my off grid homestead. But harvested rainwater is not safe to drink. Even if you use a first-flush system (which you should!) and filter out bits of leaves and other debris, you’ve still got to disinfect...

How Do I Start Homesteading Today? 7 Ways To Start Now

How Do I Start Homesteading Today? 7 Ways To Start Now

I know that the typical image of a homesteader has often been an individual who owns plenty of acreage to raise animals and grow crops. Sure, that’s some homesteaders, and having lots of land is a plus when homesteading, but that isn’t the reality for everybody. In...

Month To Month In The Tropical Garden